About Us
WILLOW ROAD co. started in 2018 after walking out of a small boutique in downtown Burlington on an early Fall day. A 'chance' encounter led to me selling my entire collection of wood lath wall art I had created for another store. I originally was turned down by the first store, they weren't interested in my pieces. I had taken that first rejection personally and was quite discouraged. I assumed that because one store wasn't interested in my art that it must not be worthy of selling. For those of you who have a dream or passion, stick with it, work hard and don't stop until you get that yes! That yes encounter for me was a day that turned my joy of creating into a dream job opportunity. I kind of fell into owning a small buisness this way. True to character, I jumped in with not much thought of the work involved and never looked back. Fast forward 3 years and here we are, EVER HOME co.